Get to User Centric IT Faster! AppSense and Centrix Partnership Accelerates Desktop Transformation

September 22, 2011

I am pleased to write that AppSense and Centrix Software today announced a strategic partnership to provide organizations with a comprehensive, user-centric transformation program.  AppSense and Centrix Software have been successfully working together with joint partners on large desktop transformation projects for our enterprise customers, and are proud to formalize this partnership and methodology to benefit many more enterprise IT strategies and projects.

AppSense embraces a full partner community and eco-system comprising other leading vendor/solution providers , platform partners, reseller partners, system integrators and consultancy partners, and are very excited to partner with Centrix Software.

Why? Corporate IT strategy is at a tipping point; we have entered a period of transformation, a new generation of virtual desktops, application delivery methods and multiple accessing devices are being used by an increasingly demanding and mobile workforce, coupled with migration projects such as Windows 7 adoption has paved the way for replacing static, infrastructure based computing to that of IT as a Service, orchestrated around the user and their requirements at any point in time.  AppSense and Centrix Software enables enterprise desktop transformation projects and facilitates the move to a user centric computing strategy by delivering on the requirements at each stage of the desktop life-cycle and providing both the insight and management options to seamlessly adoption new technologies such as Windows 7, Application and Desktop Virtualization, Cloud Computing and Bring Your Own Device initiatives.

The press release can be read on AppSense News Pages here.

Together, AppSense and Centrix Software will be hosting a joint webinar, “Transforming the Enterprise Desktop″, on Wednesday, October 5th at 3 p.m. GMT. The webinar will be hosted by Richard Pegden, Director of Product Marketing at Centrix Software and myself. To register please visit the webinar registration page here.

Like all of our partners, thank you Centrix Software for your continued support and enthusiasm, we look forward to even greater success in making the move to user centric computing a simple, low-cost process.

Gareth Kitson
Director of Product Marketing | EMEA.

Introduction and Microsoft Partner Solutions Center…

August 23, 2011

Hi I am Michael Kleef, Director of Business Development for Microsoft and Citrix at AppSense. I’m a recent addition to AppSense having spent nearly 11 years at Microsoft with my last role being a Senior Technical Product Manager for depth content and knowledge in Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 RDS and VDI.

I have had  few interested messages through my email and privately over twitter (@mkleef) asking why I left Microsoft and chose to go to AppSense. Essentially I was really excited by what I saw AppSense doing; transforming the discussion from device centric computing to a world of user centric computing. The interesting thing is that even while I was at Microsoft I was seeing evidence that in addition to Microsoft, many other companies saw great value in AppSense such as inclusion with a number of major players into their reference architectures such as the HP client reference architecture and Cisco VXI. AppSense also won the Citrix Ready Partner of the Year 2010. I did my own due diligence looking at others, though in the end it made it an easy slam dunk move to go to the market leader in the user virtualization space.

Microsoft is obviously a critical partner in multiple areas for AppSense, so it’s important that we are onsite on the Microsoft Redmond campus regularly. To help us support that we are  part of the on campus Microsoft Partner Solutions Center (MPSC).  The MPSC is a facility that showcases some of Microsoft’s partners and their  solutions for business and demonstration purposes. Having been there for almost a year now, we can confirm it’s a great facility with tremendous value to the Microsoft partner ecosystem. We also noticed that RES Software have recently joined the MPSC. The addition of RES Software to the MPSC confirms the importance and relevancy of the user virtualization market that we pioneered which is growing significantly and presenting an exciting challenge to our product leadership.

Demonstration systems on the Microsoft campus are especially important to be able to showcase your product and how it works. I personally developed an integrated Citrix, Microsoft and AppSense demo on the Microsoft campus in Redmond many months ago. It includes Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1,Hyper-V, Windows 7 Enterprise SP1, App-V packaged applications and streamed applications such as Office 2010 all running on top of Citrix XenDesktop 5 and XenApp 6. Overlaid on top of that is AppSense User Virtualization which seamlessly manages the user as they create settings and move in real-time from their XenDesktop managed Windows 7 to a XenApp 6 session. This is available on Microsoft’s corporate network which any Microsoft employee can logon to using their domain credentials making it a very good demo for them to use with existing or potential customers.

We plan to take this demo further forward and place it on the Internet for our partners to also use and see the power of AppSense User Virtualization really delivering value in a variety of Citrix and Microsoft technology scenarios. Watch this space for more on that!

If you have any questions about User Virtualization at the MPSC or would be interested in getting a demo from one of our team in your local area, drop me a line.

Michael Kleef

CitrixTV, CitrixSynergy – Fujitsu’s Partners with Microsoft, Citrix & AppSense for Fujitsu Virtual Client Services

June 22, 2011

As the world continues to move to a user-centric computing model, provisioning configured and personalized IT Services to users across a wide-range of accessing devices, locations and across multiple delivery mechanisms, User Virtualization technology is continuing to gain momentum in many reference architects and standard offerings from Managed Desktop providers.  As the world leading User Virtualization solution provider, AppSense are proud to be part of yet another standard offering from one of the world leading managed desktop providers – in this case, Fujitsu Virtual Client Services.

Fujitsu Virtual Client Services (VCS) is “Fujitsu’s Managed Services approach to delivering hosted virtual desktops”, it is a hosted environment that delivers centrally managed desktops and application to users in any location from any device.  To create a “tried and tested, repeatable standard approach that can be re-used in implementations around the world”, Fujitsu has partnered with world leading vendors at each level of the desktop and across the backend infrastructure to provide a complete Citrix Ready solution.

At Citrix Synergy, CitrixTV recorded a number of video interviews where Fujitsu were ‘extremely proud’ to announce a complete end-to-end solution, utilizing Fujitsu technologies along with Citrix, Microsoft, AppSense, ThinPrint, ChangeBASE to put together a ‘best in class offering’.

Videos are:

Interview with Tony Cox, Global Offerings Architect, Fujitsu – In this interview, Tony explains how Fujitsu VCS is a key component of Fujitsu Global Desktop Managed Service, meeting all end-user needs and giving users the best possible service.  Tony also details key drivers as to why customers are moving Fujitsu VCS and how the solution is a combination of leading solutions that Fujitsu are proud to be working with.

You can watch the video over on CitrixTV by clicking on the image below:


Interview with Jay Clark, Senior Product Manager, Fujitsu – In this interview Jay explains the importance of the Fujitsu partnerships with Citrix, Microsoft and AppSense, and also gives a live demonstration of the Fujitsu VCS solution, where he shows how easy it is to move from one device and location to another and have the exact same desktop experience and personalization from anywhere, on any device.

You can watch the video over on CitrixTV by clicking on the image below:


Thank you to CitrixTV for filming a whole host of great videos at Citrix Synergy – I hope you enjoy them too.

